Hotkeys invokes the main functions of DAEMON Tools Ultra. The full set of shortcuts in the program is the following:

EnterMount an image

Ctrl + EnterAdvanced mount

Ctrl + D — Open Grab a Disc wizard

Ctrl + U — Open Create a Bootable USB wizard

Ctrl + I — Open Burn an image wizard

Ctrl + W — Close wizard

Ctrl + 1 .. 8 — Switch to a certain tab if one is open

Ctrl + 9 — Open the last tab

F1 — Help

F2 — Rename image, file, folder, etc.

F3 — Search (while Image catalog or Quick access tab is active)

F5 — Refresh the data (images, devices, targets)

Del — Delete the chosen item

Ctrl + A — Select all

Ctrl + P — Open Preferences

Alt + Enter — Open the properties of a chosen image